Got any questions or just want to get in touch? Use either the email or the contact form below!

There is also a FAQ section below.

General Inquiries



Contact Us


Please allow at least four weeks between when you order and when you need to the statuette.
Since every order is custom made, most of the process cannot be rush. However, it is possible to rush some parts, possibly bringing it down to three weeks, depending on the material.
There are many options available, however, a number of them have restrictions that are a bit prohibitive; price, lack of durability, size restrictions, etc. Therefore the most commons materials we use are Sandstone, plastic, and acrylic. If you have any special requests we can see what we can do.
Sure, just pay the reprinting fee for the specific material.
Of course, send us a picture of the broken statuette and we will get a reprint.
The cost of printing is determined by the volume and material of the piece. If a piece is large enough the cost to print could be the majority of the price.
The limit is about 7 inches for most materials. However certain materials can be larger. If you have a request that is larger than 7 inches make a note in your inquiry and we will let you know if it possible.
Due to the way the pieces are manufactured, ordering in bulk does not reduce the cost.
At the moment, we don't. However in the future we hope to be able to ship to various other countries.
Since every order is custom made specifically for each customer we do not offer refunds.